What We Do

Investigate all relevant information about the child. CASAs carry out an objective, systematic examination of the situation including history, environment, relationships, and needs of the child.

Facilitate by identifying resources and services for the child, encouraging a collaborative relationship between all parties involved in the case, and helping to create a comprehensive plan by which the child's needs can be met.

Advocate for the child by ensuring that all the facts pertaining to the child are understood, articulated, and brought to the attention of the court.

Monitor the case to ensure that all parties fulfill their responsibilities to the child in a timely fashion and comply with the court's orders. CASAs stay with a case from beginning to end and work to ensure that children don't get lost in the system.

Why We Do It

Children who have a CASA:

  • Are less likely to experience new abuse or re-enter the child welfare system
  • Receive more benefits and appropriate services including mental health treatment, dental & medical health care;
  • Are more successful in school, less likely to drop out or be expelled and are more likely to receive directed educational services;
  • Are more likely to be adopted or returned to parents who have the capacity to meet their needs than to remain in long term foster care;
  • Have fewer placement changes;
  • Spend less time in out-of-home care;
  • Are more likely to be placed with a relative caregiver;
  • Have greater self-esteem and a more positive attitude toward their future.
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